
The Unfair Advantage of Outside Communications

Running a business with the right set of processes and procedures, organization, and structure signals maturity. Tasks can be delegated safely, allowing owners to focus on new challenges and opportunities. However, perfecting business operations can sometimes stifle innovation, leading to stagnation.

It’s not always a bad thing. For example, if the finance team kept changing their forecasting methods, the sales team wouldn’t know if they were meeting targets. Some level of consistency is necessary for growth balanced with stability. Yet, this is where we must tread carefully.

These routines can narrow our vision, creating a ‘silo’ mentality that hampers communication and obscures the broader perspective. Often, only a significant negative disruption can break down these barriers. But why wait for a crisis to prompt change?

External communications consultants can provide the solution. As outsiders, they offer a fresh, objective view of how stakeholders perceive your business, bringing innovation, revitalization, and timely guidance to prevent upheaval. 

Consider Boeing’s recent ordeal as an example: severe incidents and a storm of negative publicity led to major changes. Typically, PR experts step in post-crisis to manage the fallout. However, what if we could proactively align an organization’s practices to prevent crises and build trust?

In the realm of communications, issues are often rooted in management. A single mistake or series of poor decisions can lead to a crisis, highlighting the need to reassess and improve established habits.

At Citadel, we’ve been the trusted advisers for numerous firms facing crises, helping them manage and mitigate reputational damage. More significantly, we’ve offered proactive guidance to refine operational and communication strategies, promoting not just crisis avoidance but also positive growth and development.

This approach’s importance is underscored by a 2018 Economist study, which showed companies involved in major 20th-century crises lost an average of 30% of their value. While Boeing’s future is uncertain, the impact of major corporate disruptions is clear.

For medium-sized business leaders, the question isn’t whether external communication services are needed, but how quickly they can be adopted to secure an outside perspective. This strategic move ensures resilience and drives sustainable growth in a rapidly evolving business landscape.Looking for a trusted outside perspective to help grow and protect your business? Reach out or send us an email: